Sunday, May 25, 2008

dear danny

dear danny,

i thought of you today. not only because i miss you and you are my favourite human being, but also because of this meal i had today:

in case you don't recognize it, it's ramyun, and that is your favourite meal. i ordered it from a restaurant. if you observe the colour a little closer, you'll see that it is faintly orange. that is because i was able to order it with a slice of process cheese on top. i thought this was just some weird thing that you thought up of all by yourself, but apparently not. fortunately, i melted it before i could thought to take a picture.

i have to go. i have to call our korean uncle. this is my fourth try. the other three times, i tried to speak korean (which failed) so they got what i can only assume is our cousin to translate. i think we're going to try and have dinner later this week. but, you know, i think it's important in this whole getting in touch with my roots thing - because if parents didn't move from korea, that's kind of where we'd be. weird, eh?

i also learned from talking with some other teachers here that our parents were some of the early ones to move from korea - that they were the adventurous ones. that makes me really proud and happy because as much as we've been outsiders because of our ethnicity in stoney creek, but also being so endrenched in Canadian culture because we were born here, our parents were doing big things and who we are is kind of a testament to that.

okay, danny, i love you, and i hope you don't mind being public blog emailed.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

soo this wasn't addressed to me but i'm wanna comment anyway :s

i never really thought of how crazy are parents are to pack up and move to a whole new country (even more so for your parents)mine didn't have a language barrier...high five for brave parents :D
