Wednesday, January 25, 2006

"everyone needs their own teenage fan club"

I was in a washroom with four other girls (members of Skule Nite cast), and every one, including myself, walked in, looked at themselves in the mirror, and said something self-deprecating.

What's wrong with us!?!?!

I had to get my picture taken for cast pictures, and he must have gotten so annoyed with me, because I was all like "I'm not photogenic!" and "I hate my smile!"

But it's true. I'm not photogenic. I don't necessarily think I'm ugly, but I definitely can't take pictures. I used to take really good pictures when I was a kid, but somewhere between then and now, I decided that I was not photogenic and then proceeded to actually not be photogenic. I'm sure if I thought I was photogenic, I would be, but for now, all I can think of is how weird I must look when there's a camera, in front of me.

Again, the problem seems to be low self esteem. Gah! I will slay you, self-loathing!

Cool points for who gets the reference in the title of this entry.

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