Monday, May 08, 2006

jazz singers

I don't like Billie Holiday. I never thought her voice was something nice to listen to. I preferred the smooth voice of Ella Fitzgerald. However, I must concede that there is a rawness in the song Lover Man that Billie Holiday really pinned. Ella's version, though good and sad, doesn't beat the real pain Billie seems to get across.

A trumpeter friend of mine told me, in response to my negative opinion of Billie, that the reason why all the amazing jazz players wanted to play with her is because she didn't hold back, and she just put her all into the songs that she sang. Now, to me, sometimes that just comes across as sloppy, but then again, what the hell do I know?

Anyway, Lover Man, if you don't know, is the sad aching song about someone whose never experienced romantic love and is longing for it. The other day I showed this song to a friend in need of some wallowing, as it is often my wallowing song. I have a sort of inkling that I won't be singing Lover Man forever, but as it is, sometimes it's nice to sit and sigh.


Bea said...

I too share your opinion of these two great singers. Holiday is good but I prefer the great Ella. I love her "It's a Wonderful World". smoooooth as silk.

Anonymous said...

"Lover Man" certainly is a good wallowing song. Good call, besther.

sequesthered said...

vbot quotes me all the time. and, since, this makes me look cooler, you get cool points.