Monday, October 09, 2006

promiscuous girl

For the record, I'm not promiscuous. I'm pretty afraid of things like that. That being said, I think I can really understand it. I can understand why people would go too far physically to be close to someone or to many people.

I think I kind of do that, emotionally rather than physically. Sometimes when I want someone to be close to me or when I want someone to like me, I'll start telling them things that are maybe too personal for the current level of relationship. I mean, if I start pushing that comfort line, maybe it'll actually move. I think it's emotional promiscuity. I'm revealing myself to anyone and everyone.

I mean, because after a while, maybe too many of my feelings will lose their sacredness, and they'll instead become showy.

On the flipside, maybe this is just an elaborate excuse to keep to myself. I'm not so good at balance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I understand what you mean completely.

Who needs balance anyway.