Friday, December 15, 2006

i'm up too early

Every year after exams I'd always have this problem. I'd be all "Yeah! I'm done! I'm going to sleep all day!" and inevitably, I'd wake up early the next day. Even though I do sleep in on weekends, it takes a little longer for my body to realize that holidays have begun.

I'm just about finished my first term at Sheridan College's Music Theatre Performance program.

"Are you being transformed?" Danny asked me in the car yesterday.
"...yeah, I think so. It's more like things are being unlocked inside me."

Seriously, guys. What I'm doing is ridiculous. Do you remember what I was talking about a year ago? Flip through some of the November entries. I was looking for a job, applying to teacher's college, and shyly alluding to my quiet ambitions. Watch out, guys. The next entries are going to be MAJOR reflections. It's that time of year.

1 comment:

abelianalien said...

hey ther, es...ther...
mwahaha. i'm hilarious. (...)
anyways. i just wanted to say congrats on everything you've accomplished up to now, on discovering and realizing on your passion. It's a cliche for a reason, that time goes by so quickly...

but onwards! to awesomeness! :)
best of luck w/ everything, and have a great holiday!