Friday, July 14, 2006

my inner child can beat up yours

Right now, I'm in a room with 18 4-7 year olds, enjoying the most relaxing time of the week - computer time. It's the only time when I know they'll be quiet, they won't hit each other, ask to go home, or need to go to the washroom*.

People who work with children must be the most patient people in the world. My sister's a teacher, and I would never call her a patient woman. But maybe that's because she spends all day with kids who are always saying her name (and those are the good kids).

So definitely, this is a better job than Tim Hortons. But there are moments when I think I'm going to totally lose it. Perhaps, this is my chance to learn infinite patience and care. Or maybe I'll just lose it and these kids can always brag that they pushed their science camp instructor to the brink.

"Esther! Esther! I have something to tell you!" Even now, the chorus resounds. It's funny. I always whine about not being well-liked, and now, I'm respected and adored by these four feet people and it drives me CRAZY. Well, today it is. On Monday, I'll go back to basking in their love.

Yesterday, I taught the grade 7/8 class instead of the 1/2 I usually teach. Dave, the other instructor, and I started the switch by me coming into his class and critisizing his lesson, and we started to fight. Then the boss came in and told us that we had to switch. It was fun. Anyway, my main point is that 7/8s are almost the same! They whine just as much, and they are almost as needy! The only differences are height and cuteness.

Maybe, my lectures are the same, I just never realized it. Wouldn't that be funny? "Professor! Professor! I have something to tell you! Come over here and help me!" Actually, that sounds a lot like my lab. Oops. Maybe that whining things isn't as endearing as I thought.

* You may think that's weird, but at any other time, these kids insist on going to the bathroom every 30 minutes or less.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On you, m'dear, the whining thing is adorable.