Thursday, July 20, 2006

my new car is the same blue as hydrogen

The new stage of my life is slowly taking shape. Today, we picked up the new car - unofficially mine, officially my mom's. Over the next year, I will spend about 200 hours in that car. In that car, I will sit in traffic, I will road rage, I will sing, I will dine, I will laugh, I will probably cry, all the way to and from music theatre school. That still kinda sounds like a joke to me.

I'm going to music theatre school.


Besides this car being a step of preparation, it also is a huge, wonderful sign that my parents are supporting me in this insane endeavor. I remember being so afraid of what my parents would think when these notions came into my head, and when I admitted them, they totally surprised me. I think I'm in danger of forgetting that. I hope I don't screw this up.

*Funny anecdote: When the lady at the dealership saw my brother, my sister, and I, she thought that he was my father, and my little sister was my mother. My brother is 35 and my sister is one year younger than me. Gross and weird.


Anonymous said...

`Congrats on the new car, bEsther!

Slash, that reminds me of the time when I went to pick up my new cell phone. The Verizon guy thought my dads and I were newlyweds. Eeeeeew.

Anonymous said...

One time, at the farm, a customer thought my cousin was my son. I was 18 and my cousin was 12. It was weird.

Also, everyone always assumes that my brother and I are a couple, when we're shopping. awkwaaaard. Maybe it's because we only shop together when we buy things for my mom and we only buy her kitchenware. What? She likes conforming to masculine ideals of wife and motherhood. My mom is AWESOME.

Adrienne said...

Ahhhh Haaaaaaa Esther you are hilarious! Oh you always know how to make me laugh!
So ummmm did you get my invite?