Sunday, June 22, 2008

a new song

Okay, no vlog today, and perhaps, not this week. Instead, I'm sharing a new song.

Things to note:
1. Don't try and play guitar and record yourself when the camera is on the bed. It will shake.
2. I lose my words a couple times, but right now I don't really care. Maybe I'll redo it later. Maybe not. Whatever.


Anonymous said...

me likey. You and the song. A lot. Was someone whistling around the 2 minute mark or am i losing my mind?


sequesthered said...

Actually, yes. That was my roommate/back-up singer, Sharon.

sarah said...

miss you esther! thanks for sharing the song. loved it.

Unknown said...

I was wondering who was whistling! She was very in tune.
Yay four chords! At first I thought it was only two but I got the clever tonic/dominant prolongation. *snort snort pushes up music nerd glasses*

You sound really good, Esther. You're a good singer! Look how you've grown!

There was a delay in the sound by the time it got to like 30 seconds for me. In true fashion of youtube videos. I enjoyed it immensely dear.

Anonymous said...


I'm slowly catching up on all the vlogs you posted during my honeymoon.

I love this song. I hope you post more.

I think what you're doing over there in Korea is pretty amazing.