Sunday, June 08, 2008

vlog #6: theatre fiasco

Okay, two things:
1. I was in the bathroom because my roommates were sleeping.
2. In this video, I'm talking about Evil Dead: The Musical, which, by the way, is now the longest running Canadian musical in Toronto history.
3. I'm really busy, but I'll try for one vlog a week.


Unknown said...

HAHAHA. LOL at the polyglot creepy old man.

That's awesome.

Unknown said...

The week early thing is definitely something I would have done.

I'm glad that you're keeping busy and (clearly) having lots of adventures in Korea. It was so so good to see you at the airport! I'm totally going to stalk your vlogs, I didn't even know that such a term existed.


Holly said...

essy, you look good in that shirt. you should wear it more :D

Holly said...

you're a very good vlogger.
boo to you being a week early, but its a heck of a lot better than a week late! :D
miss you too! <3

Anonymous said...

Holly totally stole what I was going to say!

I hope you're having an awesome time in Korea.