Wednesday, February 01, 2006

does knowing I'm irrational make me any less irrational?

I've been trying to blog something for about a day now. The two previous times, I started writing something, but then stopped because it seemed too depressing or too fake.

I've been on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for the last couple days and don't dismiss it to hormones. While I realize that hormones have to be accounted for, sometimes I feel like my completely legitimate reasons for being upset are swept under the rug, because I'm a young girl. Emphasized? Maybe, but definitely not worth dismissing.

Plus, saying that would probably just upset me even more, so don't even dare. ;)

Anyway, in this case, it has to do with a number of insignificant events that are tearing my life down. It's stupid to be upset about not getting what you want, or thinking you won't get what you want - I realize that. It's not stopping the feeling though.

When I was a kid, I would sulk about and cross my arms when something didn't go my way. Today, I feel a lot like that little girl. Except today, my older sisters aren't here to call me a suck to point out my silliness. I can do that for myself.

God, I wish I could be more mature, and just move on knowing about that bigger picture everyone always talks about.

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