Monday, February 20, 2006

why do you always find yourself in europe?

I made a big decision yesterday. I turned down a summer job that I would enjoy and decided to go visit Laura in Edinburgh for a few weeks.

I'm not very good at making decisions. They stress me out mad. I get upset, I get frantic, and then the trendy store clerks have to ask me to stop crying - it's very ugly. But I did it, with the maximum amount of drama possible. No one was in my apartment but me so I called everyone I knew for opinions. One phone card and two Spring Rolls dishes later, here I am.

This is going to be a year of decisions for me, so needless to say, this will be a difficult year. I feel like this was the first in a number of important ones, and now that I'm finished reveling in my forward, confident moment, I'm back to realizing that there is so much more that I have to think about.

I still don't know what I'll be doing in September.

I have to plan my trip, I have to prepare for my audition, start my thesis, start my non-linear research project, study for computer hardware midterm, memorize lines. Here's praying for a productive reading week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES. I WIN. we will have awesome european adventures. I promise. PLUS, I will make you cookies.

give your self a million cool points for coming to visit.