Friday, April 14, 2006

exactly what i was talking about


Bea said...

Esther, I know exactly what you mean about the running. I go through the same thing for years.

Though at the risk of denying your victimhood, I suppose it would be unfair to say that I haven't come around to the idea of running.

For lack of anything better to do in my evenings I took up jogging (one cuz it's free and two cuz it gets me out) and damned if it isn't the most relaxing thing now.

Not relaxing, soaking-in-a-bathtub relaxing. But more like relaxing-doing-something-inanely-repetitive-relaxing like throwing a ball against a wall.

I dunno if that helps. But Calvin always does.

Anonymous said...

Man, it's like we have ONE MIND, HOLY CRAP!

How you been, bEsther? I often regale my silly Southern peeps with stories of your DDR glory.