Saturday, April 08, 2006

considering ravens

Consider the ravens.
They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn.
Yet God feeds them.

They do not write theses or research papers.
Yet God feeds them.

They do not find assignees for their apartments, they do not fight with their landlords.
Yet God feeds them.

They do not pick schools, choose places to live, decide whether to commute. They do not write cover letters or resumes or attend job interviews. They do not make money. They do not pay off their credit card bills or students loans.

They do not spend hours and hours on a problem set to get crappy marks on them. They do not find recursive algorithms in coding languages they haven't used in years. They do not study for exams. They do not go to auditions.

They do not graduate with honours. They do not have degrees.

They do not console their friends. They do not call their friends in tears. They do not ignore their friends.

They do not have boyfriends.

They do not have self-esteem.

They do not read the Bible. They do not pray.

They do not blog.

Yet God feeds them.


Anonymous said...

Nor is the raven created in the image of God. And though God created it all, and saw that it was all good, he blessed male and female.

And he loves you WAY more than a sparrow (or a raven).

sequesthered said...

Billy Dan:

only my favourite person and little brother is allowed to call himself "danny" without any further specification.

Thanks for the comment, Billy Dan.