Friday, March 31, 2006

i feel like billy elliot

There's a very poignant scene at the end of Billy Elliot where he gets a letter from the ballet school and takes it into his room, reads it and then cries. It's wonderful. It's still real, yet we're left in suspense. Today, I totally relate. I got into Sheridan's musical theatre program. I know this might be the tackiest way of finding out.

I'm scared. I'm excited. What the hell is going to happen next year?

Billy: I think I'm scared, Dad.
Jackie Elliot: That's okay, son. We're all scared.
Billy: Well... if I don't like it, can I still come back?
Jackie Elliot: Are you kidding? We've let out your room.
[straight face then laughter]


Bea said...

GO ESTHER!!!!!! Not that anyone's suprised mind you, but WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT anyway!!!!! ;) You = awesome. If I was in any way talented in singing or dancing I'd sing and dance for you, but since I'm not I'll simply holler in celebration WOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTT!

Adrienne said...

Esther, you are going to have so much fun my dear! I'm very excited for you!

Anonymous said...

This is the most awesome of awesomest things ever. EVER. (yes that sentence makes grammatical sense)
You're my hero!

Anonymous said...

hello Esther,

came upon your blog... thats excellent news! congrats! glad to see that you're going into something you really really love. seems most people (everyone?) in phys are happy with where they r going, be it phys, music, law or elec. good news here & there. so exciting!

o... didn't get to talk to you at nocturne... that was very nice, your piece with JP.

Anonymous said...

When I click the link I got a kinda scary close-up of a guy with SAAD beside his face. Indeeeeed.

Write a blog entry about me!

abelianalien said...

A little late, because I'm a lot slow. But sincere nonetheless.
Congratulations on starting something new and exciting and everything you deserve/love/rock at! :) That's a lot of exclamation marks! !!! !!!