Tuesday, August 22, 2006

when i all i have is on the floor divided

I think it's time to take stock of everything. Camp is over this week, and we are frantically trying to come up with ways to get rid of materials so we don't have to pack them up. And, as I have a huge tendency to read into things, I consider this as a metaphor for my life.

I feel like I'm taking stock of myself. This is Huge. It's not like I'm not constantly trying to better myself, but I've noticed over the last few years I've grown a lot, but not all the changes in me have been good. So, how are things going to change again when I move back in with my parents and attend a school with many people younger than me? What are the changes that have happened? What hasn't changed? Should these things change?!

I was going to say that part of taking stock was my friends, and I'm wondering whether this is a big mistake. Friendships should be organic, right? But, then again, is it bad to decide to keep in touch with some while admitting it probably wouldn't work with others? In a way, taking stock of my friends is like taking stock of myself - the people who have changed me, for the better or the worse.

I'm moving back to Stoney Creek in a little over a week. I don't have a lot of stuff - I can fit it all into a backpack. I might even be able to take the GO train. But I feel like my thoughts are too much for my brain and my emotions are too big for my heart. I really need to sort through. Chris said goodbye to Toronto in his blog and he's moving to BC. I'm moving an hour away and I'm moping too. But it's more than that. Everyone around me is transitioning.

Whoa. I think I need to sleep. Today's blog was undirecting meandering. I know the situation's not dire. I just need to take a break and breathe through all of this soon. Sorry, friends. If you want an interesting blog entry, you should read my seester's. She's very smart.

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