Thursday, September 28, 2006

"i never meant to hurt you"

Mark today in your calendars, people. I made history. Today, I got in my very first car accident.

It's okay, everyone. I'm fine. Hardeep*, however, is definitely not. I was driving behind another car and then he braked hard and I couldn't brake fast enough. I rear-ended him on the Skyway bridge. His rear bumper is a bit unhinged and Hardeep is very hurt. The hood is bent. You can see his insides with a mere tilt of the head.

I'm upset. Hardeep and I have really bonded over the last couple months. He took me to my first day of school, he listened to me practise, he took me to dates and hosted serious conversations. I know he's just a car and that even giving a car a name is ridiculous. But I'm sad. It's really upsetting to see him so bent.

I feel so stupid for getting into an accident. On one hand I don't know what else I could have done. I wasn't tailgating and I braked as hard as I could. On the other hand, I know I do some stupid things when I'm driving - like change CDs or eat or try and dry my hair. But I wasn't doing that then. I don't know. Like, if the car in front of me could brake that fast, why couldn't I? Was I zoned out?

I'm going to have to take a GO train tomorrow. Which means I'll have to leave my house at about 6:30. Oy vey.

Poor Hardeep.

*Hardeep is the name of my car. He is named after the very abrasive, very funny man who sold him to us.


Adrienne said...

Oh Esther I'm soooo sorry about that! Accidents can be really unnerving. Use it as a learning experience. Try not to brake like that idiot in front of you because the person behind you may not have that great a breaks to stop at the same time......ahaha ya it happened to me before too.
We can be break accident friends yah! BAFs forever!

Anonymous said...

Aw, bEsther, accidents suck. I'm sorry that Hardeep was hurt, but I'm just glad you weren't.

And naming a car isn't silly. Tendafoot and the ST were and are still very good to me.

Bea said...

Oh no! Esther, that's awful. Will he get better? Can he still run? How long do you need to Go-train it?
Keep me posted. You know you'll always have a place to crash downtown if need be.

Anonymous said...

you made me laugh hard in the library.
people looked at me.
i can't take it seriously. i inherited it from parents.

Johanna said...

I've had two similar accidents. You always feel poopy afterwards but I have faith you'll bounce back. Oh, and please, tell Hardeep I'm praying for him. Is it a him or a her? Whatever, I'm a prayin!
