Tuesday, September 05, 2006

meet your fellow hot-air ballooners

This is a conversation that happened on Sunday:
"Guess what I'm doing three days from now!"
"Umm... You're going on a hot-air balloon ride?"
Pause. "Not a literal one."

Yesterday, I met a few of the other Music Theatre students. Now, I've posted before about how weird it is to meet a new group of people, except in this case, I'm not scoping out for good-looking boys, because 1. I'm going to be in a class with these people for a while; and 2. It's musical theatre, people. The boys are all very gay or very vain*. There is a very different feeling in this group than other groups I've met. They are all very talented, many of them are very young, and many of them are very experienced (in theatre). This feeling, I think, is a new type of intimidation. I've talked about how very blessed I was to get in, and now, I am comparing myself to all the people that very reasonably got in without as much divine intervention. So one hand, I'm thankful, but on the other hand, I'm FREAKED.

I'm putting my heart out there. This is something I really want to be good at, unlike engineering. We all want to be good, but I want to be good at this. Here goes nothing.

*The very vain straight boys in musical theatre is to be expected, and they can hardly be blamed. After all, being in a place where there are so many girls, they are bound to be desired and hooked up as much as they want, logically leading to vanity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bEsther, you're going to be awesome at this. I just know it.

And then I'll be able to say that I knew you way back when and we went on cra-g adventures together. :D