Tuesday, November 22, 2005

my glasses are broken

I'm in the habit of doubting everything I think. For example, examine the following:

"I hate physics."

"Or am I just sick of school, and since I study physics, I think I hate physics as well?"

"I hate school."
"Or am I just bored? Or am I just upset that I don't get the marks that I want?"

"I don't want to be a teacher."
"Or do I just not want to do the work of applying? "

They say you should be familiar with your bias. I don't think I know mine. While, yes, I think it's good that I don't think that my thoughts are the be all end all, what if I never think I'm right and never let myself really think I'm wrong? Alas, I am still searching for that seemingly fictional character, Happy Medium.

It's like I think my glasses are broken, so I don't trust what I see. Except I don't wear glasses.

Could this be yet another aspect of my low self esteem? (insert collective gasp) I've gotta get rid of that. Don't worry, friends. It's on my list of things to do.
"I am an intelligent woman with a bright personality and I truly believe that I would be a great teacher."
- My teacher's college application

1 comment:

Bea said...

Oh my dearest Esther. Well here's the secret, we're all myopic I think. Can't remember the last time I thought clearly about anything. *big hugs* always help. so here's another one. *big hug*