Thursday, December 01, 2005

i'm the worst stalker ever.

Over the summer, I had become obsessed with a certain Sharron Matthews. I believe her to be extremely funny, extremely talented, and extremely friendly and humble, and therefore worthy to be praised. Scary, eh? I bet you're happy that I'm not talking about you, because then you'd be searching the internet on how to get a restraining order.

So to save this amazing woman from my own insanity, I decided to restrain myself. She was, afterall, a very busy woman who can't be bothered to answer all my emails (right?). However, today, to my dismay, I find that she has a website.

"How could you not have known about this?"
"I don't know! I do love her, I swear!"
"Tsk, tsk. Well, it's not like you could have guessed it."
"Umm... well..."
"The website's not is it?"

Today, I reward myself with the Worst Stalker Ever award. Not that I want to be a good stalker. Or a stalker at all. Wait... What am I upset about again?

Disclaimer to Sharron Matthews: I'm not actually stalking you. It's okay that you don't answer my emails. I didn't write you that many anyway. [Again, I'm just joking. Sharron Matthews responds to emails.]

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