Sunday, September 17, 2006

the first lap

I have completed one school week, and it's exhausting to think that this is just the first in a series of repeating units. I have twelve more tap dancing classes, twelve more Shakespeare lectures, twelve more singing tutorials... it feels like a lot. And, of course, it's not like I'm counting down - it's just interesting to begin a routine. To think, every Monday morning, I'll start off the week with jazz dancing. Does this seem totally absurd to anyone else but me?

It's like running laps. The first one's all cool because it's your first one, but then you start to worry because that one lap wasn't extremely easy and you've already decided to do ten more. So you start the second one but with a little bit of panic because you're kind of already out of breath. "Can I really do ten?!" you say to yourself and you run around. "Maybe I'll just do five. No! I can't just give up like that. I've done this before. Was it always this hard? Should my legs be cramping this much this soon? Maybe I'm being too ambitious. I'm so tired. I hate running. No wait, I'm almost half-done my second lap. You can do it. I hope. Otherwise, you're pathetic." Running is mentally exhausting for me.

Anyway, here is the concern. One week of school and I'm tired. I've done EngSci. Does that mean anything in this totally different context? I often think that I can do anything - but, often (especially when it comes to running), that's not totally honest.

I also have this fear that as I am able to be more creative in real life, my blog will no longer be necessary as a creative outlet. So, I might post, but on top of it being depressing*, it'll be boring, too. How ridiculous is this? "Oh no! My creative expression is in real life rather than in my BLOG!" Being irrational is funny.

*That's right, everyone. I'm aware that my blog's depressing. Deal with it. It's supposed to be honest, jerks. I think I'll go turn off the lights and cry because I'm so misunderstood. I might even write an emo song.


Anonymous said...

Oh bEsther.

Have I told you lately how much I miss you?

Adrienne said...

Esther your classes sound so fun! Man oh man you are going to be so fit after this year! You are living a dream and of all people you will succeed! You have the drive to do it, if you got through engineering you can do this. We are backing you and if you need to vent come on here and bitch away! Just be real, be who you are...the critic with great wit.

sue said...

sometimes it takes me a lap or two to get into the groove. you'll be awesome esther. don't think too much about it -- just do it!

love you lady.

Anonymous said...

i'm finding out about your life!

Anonymous said...

where do you live?
ive called several times to home, and never have talked to you.

julia said...

esther! i finally found your blog...whoot whoot!

very exited that i found your blog at the end of your first week...of your NEW LIFE!! (hows that for pressure)

i'm pumped for you. watch out comes....Esther!!!
(lound cheers and rsoes now being thrown at you). heh heh.
miss you -hulia